Cripes! I'm just finishing up my latest semester at U-Mass, so I'm way behind as usual...but there's all kindsa neat stuff to hip you to here at the Bait Shop, including TWO upcoming indie features, a potential new Jed-related movie (set in Africa, of all places) and a new Pinehills show. More on all that stuff when I get around to updating the Bait Shop News over in the main website...but in the meantime, I just wanted to mention the 48 Hour Film Project, which I participated in just recently with the missus and some nice young people from the Burt Wood School for the Performing Arts.
As part of the Project, Team Bait Shop was given the genre "sci-fi" and had 48 hours to write, shoot, edit and submit a 7-minute digital short. In addition, the 60 or 70 teams competing were all supposed to feature a common prop (bicycle pump), character (G. Goforth, a competitive eater) and line of dialogue ("That's why I don't trust her anymore").
48 hours later, Team Baitshop submitted "Shoe," a Lost parody featuring a cast of teenagers. The race to the finish line was like something out of the Amazing Race, and I dropped off the film in the nick of time, meaning our film got to screen in competition at the Kendall cinema a few weeks later.
We didn't make the finals, but we got a lotta laughs (in all the right places) at the screening, and seeing my little video projected on a big screen in a packed Cambridge art house re-infested me with the whole indie film sickness, so stay tuned...Aslan is on the move!