Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow...

Apparently we've accumulated more snow here in New England in the last few days then we have in the past 100 years or so. I'm hearing a lotta grumbling and I've done a little myself, but you know what? After however many years in L.A., I'll take the full four seasons over eternal sunshine any day.


1. If it's not too cold and you're not stuck in it, it's goddamn beautiful (or, when it's not beautiful, it's at least cinematic and interesting).

2. Cold weather wakes me up and keeps me alert, as opposed to hot weather, which just makes me all sluggish (and occasionally nauseous).

3. Can't get enough of that crunching snow sound.

4. Two words: Snow Day. Thanks to our friend snow, the missus and I just got ourselves a nice unexpected three day weekend (and some nice, unexpected exercise digging out the car).

5. But this is the big one: that nice feeling of camaraderie you get in the winter, that sense of "we're all in it together" that I only experienced in L.A. on Oscar night and after a nice, juicy earthquake. Plus after surviving these next few snowy months, the sun and warmth of spring will feel extra sweet, assuming I survive.

So there.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Nope...I just signed onto another computer and the blog appears to be's just the AOL on my laptop "protecting" me from my own blog, while allowing every other friggin' pop-up ad and spyware program on the Internet to get through. One of my resolutions for 2005: SCREW AOL!!!! Anyway, here, for the last time, this dirty stinkin' link: BEST OF 2004!

Wow, I apparently just did something that my blog program did not like AT ALL, and it appears all my previous posts have now gone into cyber limbo. Yikes. Well, anyway...starting fresh with a new post for 2005, be sure to check out my top ten list at and Happy New Year!

Arrrrggghh!!!! Okay, okay, I think I've got it now. The last link didn't work, but I'm comfortably certain I've got the hang of this now, so here it is again...the link to my BEST OF 2004!

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Okay, I'm not sure if this is gonna work, but I'm gonna attempt adding a link to my website for my best of 2004 list! Ready? Here we go...BEST OF 2004!!! Now, if that didn't just add a link, then you can go the old fashioned way to Happy New Year!